Credits: @juanldg | Provinery®

The Provinery is a collective based in the south of France. A fresh collaborative between you and French wine country. Curating wines, vineyards, local go-to’s and getaways, we introduce you to infamous regions and more exclusively - its lifestyle.

Each trimester, we bring to life a new area with new wines, new spots and new people. Introducing you to its history, their stories bringing you to the depths of the south of France one sip at a time.

“The embrace of the South of France, its people, its culture, its wines, helped me rediscover my passions for life. It merits to be seen, heard and embodied for more than its sun-kissed backdrop.”

— Haddad (founder)

– Having studied and worked in Hong Kong, New York and Paris, specializing in business consulting and distribution. Haddad found herself face to life’s unfortunate events, finding refuge in her late father’s house in the the heart of Provence. Far from the lights, hustle and bustle of the big cities that she knows and loves. Discovering a lifestyle, especially in its home-grown products and wines that she was never exposed to internationally unlike those of other French regions, Bordeaux, Bourgogne or Alsace. Throwing herself in the deep end, she set out to pass her ISG and WSET 3 Certifications to truly understand the new endeavor she embarks on.

Embracing the terroir, the welcoming faces, the fine local products and people, she vows to bring it to a global stage. Also wanting to give back to the community by hosting seasonal events taking you on a whirlwind tour of sensations that have delighted so many…